Category Archives: Opinion
90% of Social Media diagrams completely un-understandable
While at a couple of conferences being shown a dazzling array of diagrams from industry folk purporting to show how to approach something in Social Media I was overcome by the desire to say “I don’t understand what that diagram even means.” …
Create your own community or use Facebook?
KMP Digitata recently asked the question “Why bother creating a branded social network?” Why indeed Facebook and Twitter are where it’s at right? Why start a community from scratch, they are notoriously hard to get people to join, costly to …
Facebook customer service is 24 hours: case study
The past weekend showed that many consumers these days have the expectation that if brands are on Facebook they’re offering customer service 24/7. case study From what I can gather, at some stage over the weekend a woman posted to the brand’s page saying her son, …
What Randi did next
The tech and media industries are all a chatter today with Randi Zuckerberg’s resignation from Facebook as Director of Marketing. There are two big questions surrounding the move. 1. What will Randi do next? 2. Will Randi work with Facebook …
Are blog commenting communities gone?
Today is a guest post from Emma Cossey. Emma is a lifestyle blogger and social media journalist. She can often be found tweeting, or writing about social media, web resources and freelancing on her own blog. Is commenting giving way to sharing? …
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