Category Archives: Online community
Will the niche community be resurrected in 2012? Here’s hoping…

It seems there’s a growing amount of chatter around the emergence of niche social networks and an interesting article by Jack Wallington over on Wallblog, discusses social networks in general not being so great at bringing people with shared interests …
Create your own community or use Facebook?
KMP Digitata recently asked the question “Why bother creating a branded social network?” Why indeed Facebook and Twitter are where it’s at right? Why start a community from scratch, they are notoriously hard to get people to join, costly to …
Community Manager: A day in the life of
Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand” – Chinese Proverb We’ve tried both seriously and humorously over the years to explain “What does a community manager do?” While recently talking with …
Online communities: just a platform for hate crime?
Hate crime. We all know that it’s a bad thing but are we prepared to deal with the fact that many online communities are rife with it? I was reminded of this recently by the disturbing post from Cath Elliott …