Tag Archives: twitter
The Amazon Basket Case

When I was as old as some of you are now… my mother – in the interests of educating her naïve, yet scintillating progeny – advised me never to place all my eggs in one basket. Well, the years …
Is a Pin worth more than a Tweet?

One of the most fascinating discussions at Social Media Week New York last week was around the value of Pinterest marketing. Pinterest, naturally referenced obligatorily in every session, was the sole SMW topic of conversation for Tailwind, a marketing and …
Mining Data

We’re forever on the hunt for emerging technology and tools that we think could play an interesting part in the work we do for our clients; tools such as Overview, which we’ve trailed on a number of our client projects. …
Twitter Amplify: an opportunity for brands, broadcasters and consumers alike

A month or so ago we posted about the consumer-generated phenomenon that is social TV and the opportunities it creates for brands and broadcasters to engage their customers. Fast forward a few weeks to Advertising Week, and we were fortunate …
Teens, Social Media & Privacy: 6 Top Findings

Pew Research Center’s May 2013 report on Teens, Social Media & Privacy was the result of a nationally representative phone survey of 802 parents and their 802 teens aged 12-17 in the US. It combines data with insights and quotes …