Tag Archives: marketing
The Amazon Basket Case

When I was as old as some of you are now… my mother – in the interests of educating her naïve, yet scintillating progeny – advised me never to place all my eggs in one basket. Well, the years …
Twitter’s Lead Generation Card

I spent a morning a couple of weeks ago at a Twitter event at the London Film Museum – a surprisingly good one with lots of great swag – and amongst other things they talked a bit about the recent …
The Tempero Tattle: Nov 2012

In a month where an ill wind has blown devastation across the eastern seaboard of the United States, the innocuously-labelled Hurricane Sandy also gave rise to some second-rate photographic fakery across our social media spheres. A blend of schmalzy Americana …
The Tempero Tattle: Oct 12

One is never too far away from swathes of corporeal salacity on the Internet these days, and ASOS were not scared of skirting the edges of it earlier this month, when they pushed the boundaries of social media decency on …
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Is your Social Media breaking the law? Download our free guide to find out how to protect your brand.