Monthly Archives: July 2013
No trolls allowed
Is this the way forward to a better, safer online debate? Ticckle, following in the footsteps of sites such as Deeyoon and Keek, is the latest site dedicated to video discussions, comments and open questions. As the creators, Xan Blacker …
10 Ways to avoid Social Media Fails
Social media fails can happen ‘just like that’. Often, the public are aware of them before the brands, giving an everyday Joe, grinning with glee, the chance to claim to be the first to notice [insert name of brand]’s mistake …
Twitter’s Lead Generation Card
I spent a morning a couple of weeks ago at a Twitter event at the London Film Museum – a surprisingly good one with lots of great swag – and amongst other things they talked a bit about the recent …
Data Viz of the Week: Mike Bostock demos d3.js
Here in the Insights corner of Tempero Towers, we’re always looking for ways to improve the data visualisation aspects of our work. We’re particularly excited by the amazing work being done in the interactive space, which is why we’re giddy …