Category Archives: Opinion
Local Social Media Content

Ok, so we all know that social media is a global phenomenon and that brands all over the world want to have as strong a presence as possible in whichever channels their consumers are. No doubt many companies are jumping …
Content strategy vs Community strategy?
Are content driven strategies flawed? Is building community easier? Darika weighs up the pros and cons of each.
Will the niche community be resurrected in 2012? Here’s hoping…

It seems there’s a growing amount of chatter around the emergence of niche social networks and an interesting article by Jack Wallington over on Wallblog, discusses social networks in general not being so great at bringing people with shared interests …
The currency of hyperlinks

Today’s post, the currency of hyperlinks, is a guest post from Gary Andrews and originally appeared on Thanks Gary. Writing about the companies who email bloggers offering cash for links from blogs is long overdue – I regularly get …
Don’t ask your customers what they want, give them what they need

Yesterday I got into a weird hyperactive Twitter discussion with Charlie Southwell, Andrew Davison and Sarah Fuller. We all were trying to make different points I think but it was sparked by a comment from Andrew around research tweeted by Sarah. …