Author Archives: Darika
How to use Twitter
Still struggling to find your Twitter groove? These top tweeters tell us their “ah ha” moment and inspire you to find your reason to Tweet.
Introducing Memolane

Bored of Pinterest? Check out Memolane’s Social Media timeline tool for visual social goodness.
Stop wasting money on Social Media

I love Social but I hate wasting money. With another recession looming marketing budgets continue to be slashed across Europe. Although Social Media is only a small part of marketing budgets the industry is pretty immature and non-standardised so wastage …
What is the Net Promoter Score?

[Update: Since I drafted this article Net Promoter announced SparkScore to take into consideration Facebook & Twitter as part of Net Promoter Scores.] Contrary to a popular misconception the Net Promoter Score does not stand for INTERNet Promoter Score. However, …
Content strategy vs Community strategy?
Are content driven strategies flawed? Is building community easier? Darika weighs up the pros and cons of each.