I’ve been sitting on this neat little service for a while now and they just keep adding compatability with more and more platforms while I delay writing them up.
Memolane creates a viewable and searchable timeline of all the content you share online via services like YouTube, your blog, Twitter, Flickr and many more.
In my mind I think it would be a great brand service to visually archive Social Media activity and see a view of the brand over time.
For example, a marketing team may be considering what to do for Christmas and think “what did we do online last year”? A quick scroll back to Dec 2010 and voila it would visually all be laid out, every tweet, every Facebook status update. Handy no? Particularly when you think how often teams change over.
You can take a squizz at Tempero’s memolane to get an idea of what it looks like.
*One word of caution from my Private memolane* My android phone backs up photos to a private folder on Picasa until I approve them publically either on Picasa or Google+. However once you’ve approved Picasa for Memolane it will just pull in all photos, including this private folder, to show those images publicly.
Currently the services supported are:
- Facebook Pages
- Flickr
- Picasa
- Foursquare
- Tripit
- Vimeo
- Youtube
- Last.fm
- MySpace
- WordPress.com
- Soundcloud
- RSS Feeds