Monthly Archives: April 2013
Is Facebook’s moderation policy unbalanced?

The Everyday Sexism Project is waging a war on Facebook and, whether you like it or not, your brand may get caught in the crossfire. [Domestic and sexual violence trigger warning: please use caution when clicking links in this blog …
The Tempero Tattle: March 2013

I normally embark on these fustian tirades with some meteorological non sequiturs, then attempt to segue into the evisceration of my first victim with prose that strains at the very leash of credibility. Unfortunately, this month, the formula of my …
Twitter Art: How creatives are embracing social media

As a community manager by day and illustrator by night I could spend hours listing the benefits social networks – in particular Twitter – have for creatives. As an illustrator, it’s perfect for meeting fellow artists, self-promotion, finding out about exhibitions and searching …