Tag Archives: online safety
Facebook Rooms

As moderators of content published by children and young people, we’re constantly reminded of their passion for all things new. They’re astonishingly adept at seeking out the latest apps and quick to test new technologies to the limit. As the adults …
Safer Internet Day 2014

Today is the eleventh annual Safer Internet Day with the theme ‘Let’s create a better internet together’. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, and recognised globally in over a hundred countries, the day provides a platform …
How Moderation Can Create A Safe Online Space

Last week I wrote a post on my personal blog about the practicalities of how a one-click report abuse button for Twitter might work. As a professional moderator I thought I might be able to offer a counterpoint to several …
Safer Internet Day

Today marks the 10th Anniversary of Safer Internet Day run by the Insafe network and celebrated in over 90 countries worldwide. This year looks set to be exciting with the UK’s Safer Internet Centre planning to reveal the results of …