Tag Archives: UGC
Facebook: Comment Editing and Edit History

Much has been written about Facebook comment editing functionality since it was implemented across some (lucky) individuals’ accounts a week ago. General consensus is that this new feature is of benefit and indeed long overdue, though the focus for these …
Social Media Law. It really truly exists already.
Call me naive but I’m staggered by some practices agencies and brands are still applying to get Social Media coverage or links. A couple of people who’d interned for agencies mentioned to me that they were mainly paid to write …
Italian Google Convictions: What we think
We were astounded to read of the Italian Google convictions last week and fully expect the UK to follow suit with some high-profile legal action against one or two service providers here.
Negative Comment Moderation
How do you deal with online comment moderation? Ignore it or deal with it? Tempero gives you the lowdown on negative comment moderation.
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