Author Archives: Asher
How building social capital can improve your brand, and change the world…

At the heart of everything Tempero does is the goal of building social capital and the ethos that a community is greater than the sum of its parts. That, given the right platform, people will conspire with each other to …
Our 5 Favourite Kickstarter Campaigns for Social Good

At Tempero we’re big fans of the concept of social capital; the idea that the output of any online community can benefit all of its members, its owner, and in some cases society, if said community is nurtured correctly. Or …
Is a Pin worth more than a Tweet?

One of the most fascinating discussions at Social Media Week New York last week was around the value of Pinterest marketing. Pinterest, naturally referenced obligatorily in every session, was the sole SMW topic of conversation for Tailwind, a marketing and …
How community managers can capitalize on Facebook’s latest newsfeed algorithm update

Facebook has (once again) adjusted the algorithm formerly known as EdgeRank, according to an update posted to Facebook’s Newsroom two days ago (January 21st 2014). The latest amendment will give a positive bias to text only updates from friends, and …
Twitter Amplify: an opportunity for brands, broadcasters and consumers alike

A month or so ago we posted about the consumer-generated phenomenon that is social TV and the opportunities it creates for brands and broadcasters to engage their customers. Fast forward a few weeks to Advertising Week, and we were fortunate …