Tag Archives: kickstarter
Our 5 Favourite Kickstarter Campaigns for Social Good

At Tempero we’re big fans of the concept of social capital; the idea that the output of any online community can benefit all of its members, its owner, and in some cases society, if said community is nurtured correctly. Or …
The Tempero Tattle: June 2013

After an ill-deserved leave of absence, I returned to the relative serenity of Exmouth House to hold myself in readiness for Tempero’s 10th Anniversary Party. Ten years is a long time in social media and as it turned out, the …
Twitter Art: How creatives are embracing social media

As a community manager by day and illustrator by night I could spend hours listing the benefits social networks – in particular Twitter – have for creatives. As an illustrator, it’s perfect for meeting fellow artists, self-promotion, finding out about exhibitions and searching …