Category Archives: Uncategorized
Suggested Moderation type/s
Post-moderation Reactive-moderation
What type of moderation?
Not sure what type of moderation you need? Unsure of the difference between post- and reactive- moderation? Take our handy Q&A and we’ll guide you through the decision making process. START NOW
Types of Moderation
Moderation is usually classified as one of three types which are used individually or in combination. Pre-Moderation Post-Moderation Reactive Moderation What type of moderation do I need? Take our interactive questionnaire and find out.
Case Study: Wunderman
“Tempero were head and shoulders above the competition, we’re thrilled with the way they adapted to requirements and worked to improve processes across the board. I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone looking for a moderation partner.” Fiona …