TED Tuesday Talks

We call Tuesday lunchtimes here at Tempero ‘TED Tuesdays’. We’re sure it’s not an original idea to down tools, share a pizza, and spark interesting conversations off the back of watching one of the many marvellous TED talks available out there, but it’s still something worth sharing.

Each week, someone here takes a turn to show two talks of their choosing – typically showcasing opposing, or different angles around a similar subject.

TED almost has too much content to choose from, so we thought we’d share our two videos with you each week in the hope of highlighting some interesting talks that you might otherwise have missed. This week our Account Manager, Coral, chose the following two talks:

Firstly, Clay Shirky: How the Internet will (one day) transform government

A fascinating talk on the Open Source movement revolutionised by Linus Torvalds – what government could learn from it and how it could inject accountability and transparency into the democratic process.

More information about the speaker, Clay Shirky.

Next up is Eli Pariser: Beware online “filter bubbles”

We hear a lot these days about companies such as Google, Amazon, Netflix and some online news publications tailoring their services to us, and when it’s done right, what a great thing this is. In his talk, Eli picks up on an unintentional consequence of this – that we are getting trapped in a ‘filter bubble’ that means we aren’t being exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our views.

An interesting talk that makes you realise, after the advent of the ‘social web’, that we aren’t necessarily the gate-keepers of the internet that we thought we were.

More information about the speaker, Eli Pariser.

Hope you enjoy these. Sorry we ate all the pizza and didn’t share any with you.


About Kelda

New Business Manager, Tempero
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2 Responses to TED Tuesday Talks

  1. Darika says:

    TED Tuesdays? Pizza? Man I miss the office sometimes!!!!

  2. Kelda says:

    I know – we’re incredibly sophisticated here now ;)

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