Monthly Archives: December 2011
Will the niche community be resurrected in 2012? Here’s hoping…

It seems there’s a growing amount of chatter around the emergence of niche social networks and an interesting article by Jack Wallington over on Wallblog, discusses social networks in general not being so great at bringing people with shared interests …
Common mistakes in Social Media and how to avoid them

Wondering if hiring that intern to manage your Social Media was a mistake? (probably) Did you know there are times when you shouldn’t delete comments? You can get Tempero CEO Dom Sparkes streamed directly to your desk right now telling you …
Facebook Insights: how to use them?

There are a plethora of paid and free Facebook tools out there dabbling in Facebook metrics; Hootsuite, Klout and Conversocial are getting in on the game but Facebook has made a significant investment in optimising their own Facebook Insights and they are really useful …
The currency of hyperlinks

Today’s post, the currency of hyperlinks, is a guest post from Gary Andrews and originally appeared on Thanks Gary. Writing about the companies who email bloggers offering cash for links from blogs is long overdue – I regularly get …