Social Media in London

This is a visualisation of the social network that connects the top 1,000 most influential companies and individuals within London’s social media community. Zoom into the image to explore and see if you make the cut!

In this case, we define “influence” by the number of connections a person or organisation has to other nodes within the London social media community. This ensures that influence stays within the context of the community itself. Neat, eh?

While this map is just a bit of fun, mapping social networks can be particularly helpful to brands looking to identify communities their fans belong to, as well as the influencers within those groups. Our in-house tool Mappr makes this unique approach quick and easy.

This map was lovingly handcrafted in Gephi by our analysts Simtan Bacha and Lisa Brooker atop of data acquired by our own in-house community discovery tool, Mappr.

For those that are wondering what the colours represent, here’s a brief explanation:

Tech & social news

International agencies & digital marketing

London-specific agencies & head figures

PR & Journalists

Of course, they aren’t exact as they are automatically coloured based on the types of connections a person has to others, so in many cases a person may be heavily connected in more than one community and hence the colour may not exactly be right. The position is also useful – depending on how deeply they are positioned within their colour group shows to what degree they fit within the definition of that group, or are part of multiple groups.

Mappr was created by our Senior Analyst, Mick Conroy ().

You can see the map below, or you can click here for a full screen view.

About Kelda

New Business Manager, Tempero
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7 Responses to Social Media in London

  1. Pingback: Map of London’s social media community / We Are Social

  2. Pingback: Map of London’s social media community « Nate Crowder

  3. This is great, but one question – how did you define who was London based?

  4. Kelda says:

    Hi Mark,

    They way we do it is by looking at their connections. If a given person has lots of connections to other London Social Media people, then we can infer that they are also in the London Social Media scene. We aren’t necessarily looking for people that are physically based in London (although many will be) but more being part of the scene. It’s entirely possible to be part of the London social media scene while living in New York, for example. Hope that answers your question!

  5. Pingback: Mapping social influence: Mappr | The B2B Guide to Social Media

  6. Erc says:

    Hi Kelda,

    A great piece of work! How did you collect all the data? Did you do it manually or use a programme?



  7. Kelda says:

    A bit of both to be honest; using our own tool Mappr to map the links between users on Twitter but manually picking the initial handful of users to input into Mappr in the first instance.

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