Child Safety Guide Published

Today our Child Protection Best Practice Guide was published; a joint effort with digital marketing gurus Econsultancy.

The guide is largely aimed at marketers and brand owners looking to start, manage or engage in any interactive community. We feel  that in general child safety is not being taken seriously within the marketing industry, most likely due to lack of awareness and/or understanding around the legislation and recommendations which apply to the online world.

In reality not everyone is going to have the budget to retain community experts like ourselves. With the industry largely self-regulated we’d rather see Best Practice improving before OFCOM or an equivalent UK governmental organisation is given the remit of regulating the online environment.

It’s going to get even tougher for those running communities used by young people when The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) comes in to force on 12th October 2009.

Stay tuned for more info from us looking at the Act and specifically how it might relate to community moderation or management.

Press release

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