Facebook events, Conversocial and community management in the press

Facebook LogoIt’s been a busy couple of months for Tempero and we’ve had some great press coverage. Here’s a round up of the highlights.

Facebook Event & Launch of Conversocial

Our Facebook event was a huge success, with a packed audience and popular speeches from Facebook, iPlatform and our very own Dominic Sparkes.

One of the most popular segments was from iPlatform on their new product, Conversocial. It’s the first tool to allow full management and tracking of Facebook page activity, and it has therefore created a flurry of excitement among community managers. You can see what some of the attendees thought of it on our Delicious page, from big names including Marketing Magazine, Campaign and Media Week.

If you attended the event, please feel free to leave a comment below to let us know what you think. You can also check out our Facebook Resources for further information on getting the most out of the site.

Dom has a PR Moment

Tempero’s Dominic Sparkes has had a couple of brushes with fame recently.

Firstly, he wrote a guest article for PR Moment discussing the moderation of social media, which you can find on the PR Moment site.

Secondly, he was interviewed by Marketing Week on community and the role it plays in brand development. You can find the interview on the Marketing Week site, but highlights include this quote:

Any brand’s Facebook page that generates volume like Coke’s will understand that moderating is a big job. Tempero’s Sparkes says it’s not just about removing inappropriate language. “We not only make sure the content is clean, but make conversations more meaningful by either responding or driving it in the first place and prompting users to generate content.”

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